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Latest Posts - Page 6
Spotify Reposts: Sharing New Music with Friends the Fast Way
No matter where I go, my headphones follow, constantly blasting my usual obsessed with songs in my ears. Despite the seemingly infinite… Continue reading on Medium »
The Rise of UX Design Systems: A Game Changer for Designers
Over the past five years, the UX design industry has evolved at a breakneck pace. One of the key drivers of this evolution has been the… Continue reading on Medium…
Following the Journey of a Chicken Wing (and calling it User Research)
I’ve spent a fair amount of time over the last few years building tech in the restaurant industry. Enhancing operational efficiencies in… Continue reading on Medium »
3 types of primary research methods used in UX
User Experience (UX) research is a crucial part of designing products that people will love and use. UX research involves understanding… Continue reading on Medium »
Using UX Research to design and test a website for educators
Anuj Gupta, Katelyn Southard, Ryan Winet University of Arizona Continue reading on uxEd »
This AI tool will revolutionize user research — Website Redesign
Yes, throw the papers in the air like you just don’t care! User research is going fully digital. And it’s finally becoming fun and easy… Continue reading on Medium »
Onboarding: A Guide for Educators The project
Develop a guided trial for the Jovem Gênios educational app to reduce educators’ churn rate and be as self-service as possible. Continue reading on Medium »
Value Proposition: A journey into the world of educators
Project Continue reading on Medium »